Designed with spirit maturation in mind, the High Proof Series utilizes multiple toasting technologies to achieve a variety of flavors desired in the spirits industry.
European Oak – Exceptional Flavor, Exceptional Value
ISC sources oak logs from all over the world to make our world class spirit barrels. The most popular selections come from a multitude of states here in the U.S. and from several different forests dotted throughout France.
The Importance of Education in Logging
Timber harvesting operations require a high-level of trust between loggers, landowners, and others involved in the project
Product Spotlight – Northwest Spirits Savor Spear
Finishing aged bourbon with oak alternatives has really gained a lot of acceptance in the spirits world in the last 5 years.
Master Taster for People in a Hurry
Before we ascend the throne to master taster, this painful test of honor needs to happen. This one is championed by my buddy Lew Bryson and it’s a must. They say a taste for whiskey isn’t acquired, its earned. Very true words in my opinion. Whiskey, or any alcohol for that matter, is very difficult to taste on a professional level.
Gifts for the Whiskey Nerd
So, you have a whiskey nerd in your family or circle of friends and it’s your turn to buy them a gift this year. As simple as this may sound, the task can be somewhat daunting. It seems easy on the surface – just hop over to the liquor store and get a bottle of their favorite bourbon. Then you start thinking…
The Lifecycle of an Experiment
At Independent Stave Company, we feel it is necessary to be on the forefront of barrel innovation. We try our best to deliver new and innovative barrels for our distilling partners on a near constant basis. The process of developing a new type of barrel takes quite a bit of time. Before we release a new type or offer a new variation on an existing barrel, we will test the idea in what we call a commercial barrel experiment.
Sensory Evaluation for Aging Spirits
Sensory evaluation is one of the best parts of my job. It is as enjoyable as it is interesting and most importantly, it is absolutely necessary for quality assurance and new product introduction. Any person or any business involved with food or beverage production, whether it be alcoholic beverage production or not, should have a sensory protocol in place for evaluating experiments.
Single Malt Whisky Collection
Peat is one of the more interesting ingredients in the whiskey making process. The use of peat goes back centuries when it was (and still is) used to heat homes and cook food. However, peat has carved out an interesting place for itself in the spirits world as the source of one of the most interesting and versatile flavors in the category of malt whiskey.
Peat Smoked Barrels
Peat is one of the more interesting ingredients in the whiskey making process. The use of peat goes back centuries when it was (and still is) used to heat homes and cook food. However, peat has carved out an interesting place for itself in the spirits world as the source of one of the most interesting and versatile flavors in the category of malt whiskey.
Smoked Barrels
Two years ago, we began developing a new type of barrel to join our Small Batch Series called the Smoked Barrel. Using a proprietary cold smoking process, the barrel is infused with smoke from different wood species.
Finishing Tasting Kit
Here is the the fourth video in our Tasting Kit Series. This video features Chad Spalding and Andrew Wiehebrink discussing our wide variety of Finishing samples.
Char Level and Double Barreling
As coopers, we are often asked about the different char levels. Mainly, “Why are the higher char levels – Char #3 and Char #4 – the industry standard?” Much like the genesis of the charred barrel itself, there isn’t one definitive answer.
Char Level Tasting Kit
Today we bring you the third video in our Tasting Kit Series. This video features Chad Spalding and Andrew Wiehebrink discussing our Char Level samples.
Benefits and Techniques of Oak Alternative Finishing
ISC Barrels’ sister company, Oak Solutions Group (OSG), and customer Left Bank Distilled Spirits gave a dual presentation on how to use oak alternatives for finishing at the 2021 American Distilling Institute Conference. Here are the highlights of the presentation from OSG Oak Solutions Specialist, Amy LaHue.
American Single Malt Tasting Kit
Today we bring you the second video in our Tasting Kit Series. This video features Chad Spalding and Andrew Wiehebrink discussing our American Single Malt samples.
Small Batch Tasting Kit
Small Batch Tasting Kits with Chad Spalding and Andrew WeihebrinkToday we are bringing you a brand new series featuring our ISC Barrels Tasting Kits. Launched a few months ago, our tasting kits come with a variety of experiment samples for current and future customers to taste, blend and learn all …
French Made Barrels
ISC Barrels is well known for our traditional spirit barrel, but we offer a multi-dimensional portfolio of products with the assistance of our global cooperage family. Today, we want to give you an inside look at a new, unique line of spirit barrels we can offer through one of our sister cooperages – Tonnellerie Quintessence.
Second Annual James B. Beam Institute Conference
It has been a long year, but here we are preparing for the second annual James B. Beam Institute Industry Conference. This year’s conference will take place March 10-12 and will be a virtual event.
Tasting Kit Unboxing
ISC Barrels has recently developed a customizable tasting kit to help our current and future customers easily fine-tune their barrel choices. Through a consultation with Account Manager Chad Spalding, distillers can receive a tasting kit customized to their specific flavor goals.